AI Director is a new web based controller for LED aquarium lighting made by Aqua Illumination. This new controller will take the place of the regular controller. It features a web interface and has wired or wireless (wireless dongle is included but not shown) connectivity to your home network.
The controller has the ability to connect to a web based service from AI that also allows you to connect remotely. We were able to get onto the beta program and got our hands on one of the controllers to control our two
lights that we have over an all glass 92 gallon aquarium.
It has been about two months now since we received our AI director. At first we were very disappointed with the controller, being that it was a BETA program we thought we would hang in there. It had very clumsy controls and had bugs that really made it useless. You couldn't even save your presets very easily and would find yourself resetting the controller time and time again and reprogramming it from scratch.
Well how things change, just a few software updates later and we feel like we have a new product. This thing although in BETA, is working flawlessly now. We have been running the controller without resetting it for about a month now and it works perfectly with out
The Director features a built in feedback panel that lets you submit bug reports and or feature requests. So far the AI crew is pretty good at responding and making your bugs go away. The controller just like its predecessor allows you to simulate lighting and cloud cover. It also features coral acclimation programs and in a future update, AI promises to add a feature that will mimic the weather that is happening in your area. We can't wait for that to happen.
This director has unlimited potential and we hear rumors that they may eventually add the capability to add a webcam so you can see what is going on in your tank while you are away.
Here you will find some screen shots of our actual setup. Note that the colors on the interface change based on the picture you upload to the director of your aquarium, we thought it was a pretty nifty idea.
Graphical User Interface Screenshots
Automatic Control Scheduling
Manual Control Screen
Easy Setup
Multiple Custom Presets
Lighting Layout Configuration Tool
Lighting Effects Configuration
Beta Feedback Tool
Timezone Configuration
Guided Manual Screen
Ready to control multiple Tanks
At the moment the Director is still in BETA and not for sale but when available will be sold via
. We are really happy with the director and found it to be a great investment.
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