American Standard recently released a new line of toilets that flush like a champion. They call it the
Champion Flushing System. You can flush 31 synthetic sponges, then 16 cloth napkins, then 41 rubber tubes without the toilet belching anything right back at you. If you don't know a lick about toilets (and I didn't until I started researching them), that's pretty darn remarkable. However, when you look under the hood (or in this case under the seat), you begin to notice why. This puppy has a 2 3/8" siphon outlet (about 40% larger than your average toilet) which explains why you can feed this champion almost anything and it won't choke.
But Service Villa prides itself in informing you about products that end up conserving our planet's resources and American Standard boasts about the toilet's 1.6 gallon per flush feature. This prevents your wallet from spitting money every time you get a water bill and helps conserve our planet's most precious resource - water.
One more thing, according to the
American Standard web site, the water conservation feature may enable you to conservation rebates, so you may want to look at your county's conservation web site to see if you are eligible.
Prices for this Olympic gold champion vary by style, but we've seen them for as low as $360 at the
Absolute Home web site.
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