Looking for a sleek futuristic looking thermostat with a small footprint? Give the Nest a look. The Nest Thermostat is a programmable thermostat that learns how you live your life and adjusts itself to make sure you are always comfortable.
This thermostat features a wheel dial as its primary control and only one button that is its housing. It features a very simplistic design and is a very easy to operate and navigate.
The Nest like the Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat can be controlled via the internet and also via iPhone and android applications.
Make sure to purchase the 2nd generation versions device as this version addresses issues that were found on the first version. Not only did they fix issues found on the first version but the device is actually skinnier making it even more attractive.
Check out the Nest videos below that cover its features and simple installation. Once you see these we are sure you will want one of your own. You can buy your nest thermostat on Amazon.